2022 has begun, are you ready for the year ahead?

To be successful this year, you need to have an effective digital marketing strategy and a content marketing plan.

These essential items will help build brand awareness and create ongoing business opportunities.

The end of the year is typically when many plan for the year ahead. If you haven't done so, then now is the time to get moving. 

Take the time to review 2021, the wins, even the lost opportunities - there is much you can learn from last year's experiences. Once you have reviewed and updated your business objectives, these will shape your digital marketing strategy and content marketing plan. 

Ideally, your content marketing plan will have themes set for the next 6 – 12 months, ensuring that you are ahead of the game when sourcing and crafting articles on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. To keep the content fresh, it is essential that you regularly review the plan so that it remains topical and on-trend. Your plan will have dates of delivery and articulate how often you will post, what you post, which channel you post on and who is responsible for posting. 

Make sure you take advantage of search engine optimisation (SEO); this is critical as it makes sure the search engine will rank the content you post. To be ranked, you need to use appropriate keywords, links to your business website and links to your regular blog. The level of engagement also determines SEO – the more engagement your content receives, the better it will rank.

When creating your content marketing plan, remember the following:

Variety is the spice of life

Your industry knowledge and messaging is what will keep your audience engaged. Remember to mix up your content with images, video, blog posts, articles, insights and business announcements.


Content that is authentic, intelligent and resonates with your target audience will be engaged with and shared. Don't consistently self-promote or people will turn you off. Share industry insights and articles that engage your audience. Share your knowledge and add value, be informative, inspiring, and collaborative. Showcase your employee achievements and demonstrate your company's values and ethos. By consistently sharing quality information, you will build a strong following.


The timing and frequency of your posts is important. Take time to assess and understand who your audience is and consider carefully when you post to get the most visibility and engagement.

Below are some simple LinkedIn posting rules:

-              LinkedIn company page

o   Post 3 – 4 times per week

-              LinkedIn personal page

o   Post 1 – 2 times per week

o   Consistently engage with your network’s activity

LinkedIn Content Marketing Tips:

Include some intelligence

If you are 'sharing' content on LinkedIn, whether it be insights, articles or infographics - ensure that you add some commentary to highlight 'why' you are sharing this information. This intelligent commentary validates what you do and why you should be regarded as a trusted advisor. Remember to tag and reference the author and organisation who owns the content; this demonstrates your collaborative nature and can also start valuable conversations.

Don't forget a "call to action"

When crafting your LinkedIn articles and blog posts, it is essential that you include your "call to action". Include your website address, your contact details or embed a corporate video which articulates clearly the problems you solve. Make it easy for people to get in touch with you.

Conversations work both ways

If you start conversations on your posts, whether it be by asking questions or requesting feedback, you must remember to respond. Don't forget the premise of these platforms – they are SOCIAL. It is all about interaction and engagement. Once you have the ear of a follower, you need to mobilise. Thank people for their opinions and consider continuing the conversation offline, hopefully converting that social lead into a happy customer.

Having a content marketing plan sets a rhythm for an organisation. It is a great marketing tool for any business. People work more effectively when they understand what and when they are expected to deliver content. Setting themes in advance makes sourcing and crafting content more manageable. Make sure you review the analytics of your posts and assess whether the content you are providing is resonating with your audience. Tweak your content, accordingly, deliver more of what works and less of what doesn't.

Are you starting 2022 without a LinkedIn strategy?

It's not too late – contact us to arrange a strategy session now! 

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